Whether a quarrel got out of hand or there was a complete misunderstanding that led to your arrest, facing domestic violence charges is understandably distressing. A conviction could derail your career, damage your reputation, destroy your relationship with your...
Month: October 2023
The status of marijuana laws in Indiana
Indiana, a state known for its picturesque landscapes and Hoosier hospitality, has long been at the center of the ongoing debate over marijuana laws. According to MJBizDaily, Indiana is one of only 10 states that has no laws allowing the legal use of marijuana in any...
Substance use rehabilitation efforts
Facing a drug arrest can be a distressing situation on its own. When you are also worried about the potential loss of custody of your children, the stress can become overwhelming. Indiana bases custody decisions on the best interests of the child, so the state may...
Is it possible to keep certain evidence out of a criminal trial?
Someone facing criminal charges in Indiana will need to consider all of their options as carefully as possible. All too often, those arrested on allegations of some criminal offense in Indiana hastily plead guilty instead of exploring options that may empower them to...